Thursday, November 18, 2010


にほんごのじゅぎょうのなかに たくさんかんじと どうし(Verbs)を します! こわいて たのしいです。 Learning all the あたらしいverbs is also とてもたのしいです。きょう ぼくは Everyoneのブログに かきました。I actually had fun, however, a better use of my time might have been studying... It ended up taking about 3 hours to comment on all the blogs, but I think it was worth it. I didn't feel like doing anything else and I learned a lot. I think. そして ともだちと スピリテド アウェ(Spirited Away)を みました!とてもよかったです。 そして いま ともだちと プリンセス モノノケ(Princess Mononoke)を みました。 ヘリ ポッタ(Harry Potter)の えいがを みません。 かなしいです。 でも あしたは Movies 14で こうこうのともだちと ヘリ ポッタ(Harry Potter)を みに いきます。I am excited!
This is Harry Potter!!!!! The trailer at least! haha


  1. もののけひめをみましたか?えいがだいすきです!

    But you didn't tell me T_T かなしい

  2. すき is to like something! And Paranormal Activities 2 was really great! I LOVE scary movies and I like this 100x better than the first (which I thought was uber boring)and the plot line was MUCH better. I want to watch more scary moviessss. Yeahhhh I am a junior! Why is this so earth shattering? DO I SEEM THAT YOUNG!??!?
    I love Spirited Away too! I have a lot of Hayao Miyazaki's movies! So you saw the new Harry Potter? I heard it was good. I'm going to see it the night before Thanksgiving break!

  3. in response to your post on my blog:

    I was in the Japan Club skit. We did matrix Mario, which most people agreed was the best =D
