Sunday, October 24, 2010

ぼく の りょう

ぼくのりょうは キーナンホールですよ。 ぼくのりょうは ちかくに ノールスダイニングホールが あります。 ぼくのりょおうは ふるいでした、 でも いま あたらしいです! (It was renovated for like 4.5 million dollars :D)ぼくのへやは いっかいが あります。 ぼくのりょうは しろいたてものです、 そして ゆうめなたてものです。キーナンホールは いいですよ!

Monday, October 11, 2010

About ぼく

いま、 としょかんで working! しゅうくだいを しません! I forgot it in my dorm. My job is the best ever. All I do is sit around and watch youtubeのビデオ、しゅうくだいをします、そして go on failblog! Also, a random woman just gave me Five Guys french fries because she couldn't finish them!!!! やたあああああああ:D
Okay, did anyone ever watch Heroes? That is definitely where I got that Yataaaa from. One of the characters, Hiro Nakamora, is Japanese and always says that! Heroes is one of my favorite shows. I need to find out when the new season comes out. If anyone wants to watch Heroes with me, just lemme know!!! ヒロスは いいです!
チャークも いいです!Another show that I really like is Chuck! I haven't watched the second season or after and I really need to get on that! I don't ever watch TV anymore because I am a hermit! If anyone likes Chuck I would definitely like to watch it with you!
My final and MOST favorite show of ALL TIME is Avatar! ぼくは アバターを あいして! That is supposed to say I love Avatar! It is THE single greatest cartoon of all time! If anyone has any interest in Avatar at all, talk to me about it. Or if anyone wants to watch it, talk to me! I have all 3 seasons! SoOoOo good!!!! 
And that's everything! I think I really only made this blog because I am in a good mood cuz I have like no しゅうくだい! さいごに (the end)

Thursday, October 7, 2010


So I just randomly felt like doing a blog post. So I am just going to talk about some random things. くじはんに にほんごのじゅぎょが ありました。わたしが おくれた(I was late)。わたしは どくに いましたか? ベッドに いました!きょうのあさ くじごじゅっぷんに おきました。アラーム(alarm)は わるいでした。(I accidentally set it for ごご and not ごぜん) シャワーを あびませんでした。あした にほんごのじゅぎょう じゅうじよんじゅぷんに いきます。
こんあさ これは ぼくでした。 (This was me)