Monday, September 6, 2010


ぼくは ぶらいしゅです。
のとろだむだいがくの いちねんせいです。
せんこうは せいぶつがくです。
どうぞ よろしく。

One Japanese person that I really like is Naruto Uzumaki! I realize he is fake, but he is a good cartoon character. I have watched all the TV shows that they have made and really like it.

One food that I like from Japan is たこ焼き this is a fried octopus ball thing. It sounds disgusting, but it is actually pretty good!
Finally, a place that I really like, and would really like to visit is Tokyo. I have been there once and it was amazing. I love the Japanese culture and I love Japanese people. When I visited Tokyo we visited all sorts of shrines and landmarks and it was awesome. I really want to be able to live in Japan someday :D


  1. Good job!!!!! When I was in Tokyo this past summer I really wanted to try takoyaki but i never got the chance!

  2. Nice! とうきょう amazing そうです。I remember there being a shrine right outside the hotel I stayed at. The Meiji shrine maybe 「めいじ」。I really want to see ふじやま。I haven't tried fried octopus, is that called "taco" それは たこ いますか?(that question might work...) Ohh I see its on the picture, nvm!

  3. Kyle- I am so jealous of you going this last summer to とうきょう... I went 3 years ago and it was soooo fun. I bet as I get older it would get more and more fun. Were you planning on studying abroad your junior year?

    Joey- Yeah!!! I went to the めいじ shrine! That spelling looks right to me. ふじやまて いますか? Is that mount Fuji?

    Both-You should definitely try たこやき。When I was in Tokyo some of the guys I knew there came to visit me and took me to eat it! It's a にほんの specialty...I think. I actually don't really like Japanese food, but it was decent. Plus it was better than rice or salad with fishies in it! lol I love the にほん culture, but hate their food!

  4. すごいのなるとうずまきです。たこやきをたべません、but I'd definitely like to! Sounds oddly good haha

  5. ぶらいしゅ should be in katakana = ブライッシュ。
    ノートルダームだいがく should have been in katakana

  6. わたしも なるとと たこやきが すきです (like)!!

  7. Haha I lied about liking たこやき...
    I didn't realize we would be eating it... I thought originally that it woudl just be good to say I liked it! haha I wanted suck up points!
